Saturday, September 3, 2016



We didn't know it yet but, this was the last time we would see Timmy Duncan play in person. It was a fantastic game, not only was it Timmy's 1,000 game, but it was the funnest Spurs game we've been too since the 2014 Game 1 Finals game. Of course, nothing will ever top that game and adventure, but for a Jazz vs Spurs, it was fantastic and so worth it! It's sad to see Timmy go, but I'm glad we got to see him one last time.

Beau loves pictures.


Today was a big family day. Tammy and Betty were staying with us for Matt and Mykell's wedding, and it was also two of our sweet new nieces blessing day. We went from temple square in the morning to Bountiful for the blessings and then back to temple square for the reception at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. They had a build your own donught topping bar, which was delicious and then Beau and I snuck out to watch a Spurs playoff game in the lobby on a phone. It was a big game and, of course the Spurs won. It was definitely a fun day being with so much family.


Ending on something gross, but apparently it has become Beau's annual tradition to slice open his hand every summer. So we went to get stitches, and must document it, if it is a tradition. 
(I will add some space so you don't have to see the pictures if you wish not to.)
